
Wednesday 8 August 2012

points to be remembered while buying a puppy..

 Buying a pup? Do a thorough research before you buy one. You should look out for the breed and the responsibilities associated with pup. Here is detailed guideline on choosing a pup and its care. Do read this article before getting yourself a pet.

Although there are many types of animals and birds that can be kept as pets, pups win paws down because of their own special brand of charm and loyalty. There are a few things which should be kept in mind before getting a pup, such as:

Do you know that there are basically seven types of dogs but thousands of mixed breeds? Some of them are large in size like the Great Dane, German Shepherd, Dalmatians, Retriever, etc. and others are smaller in size like the Pomeranian, Spitz, Apso, Terrier, Spaniel and many others. The breed you choose should first be based on the size of your house and the open space available in it. A big dog will be difficult to manage in a small house and you will be making it unhappy if you keep it cooped up, so it is better to go for a smaller dog which would be quite happy in a small house. Moreover, smaller dogs are also easier to manage. But if you intend it to be a guard dog as well and have a big house then go for the bigger breed by all means.

When you have decided which type of a dog to get, comes the exciting part of selecting a pup. When you go to choose a pup you should be careful about certain things. It is always better to go for the most active, friendly and outgoing pup. A pup that moves away from you or growls at you will be difficult to get along with. Apart from friendly behavior another thing, which is important, is to get some information about its parents' temperament too, it will be a good guide for your pet's nature too.

deally it is best to bring them home when they are between 2 months to 6-7 months old. At this time they are ready to leave their mothers and also adjust easily to new environment. Older dogs can also be brought but they take longer to adapt to a new home.

Your new friend leaves its mother and brothers and sisters so it is up to you to make up for them. Remember to get him a cozy basket stuffed with soft sheets and place it near your bed, so that it doesn't get lonely. It is a good idea to keep a wrapped up table clock near it, which will remind it of its mother's steady heartbeat, so that he feels reassured. With their high adaptability and lots of love from you it will soon mould itself to the new surroundings.

When a pup comes to your house, you will have to train it, because an untrained pet can be a real nuisance! He should have a fixed place for his meals. Very soon he'll learn to eat only there. Basic commands like 'come here', 'sit', 'go' are easy to teach and an intelligent puppy learns to obey them pretty quickly.
House-breaking is however something for which a pup should be trained from day one. A pup has to be taken out to relieve himself every hour or two, especially after meals. It soon realizes that he isn't supposed to relieve himself indoors. Once a pup is properly house broken it will itself learn to give signals, maybe a bark, or sitting near the door when it wants to be taken out. In the beginning you will need to be extra careful about these signs.

What do we prefer? Praise, certainly! It is the same with puppies. There is nothing they won't learn if you keep praising and rewarding them with their favorite tit-bits. At times when they have been naughty they have to be punished too, but you should never make it a habit to hit the pup for every little mischief he does. Otherwise it might become aggressive and stop listening to you at all. Or worse-you may succeed in breaking its spirit for good. And a spiritless dog is one of the most pathetic sights.

A tap on the back with a rolled up newspaper is all that he needs to know that you don't approve.


1. Keep your pet clean and well brushed.
2. Feed him at regular hours.
3. Take him for walks.
4. Get him innoculated by a qualified vet.
5. Give him a lot of love.


1. Disturb him during meals.
2. Tease him.
3. Keep him chained for long periods or in garages or sheds away from you   remember he too is a member of your family, perhaps the most undemanding one.

If you are prepared to do just these few things for your pet, go ahead and bask in the most selfless love a person can experience. It is not for nothing that a dog is called a man's best friend!


So, are you too planning to get a pup? Before you start pestering your parents to get you a pup, you must first be certain yourself whether you will do your share for it or not? When you get a pet, you also get the responsibility of looking after it. It isn't fair, is it, to expect your mother to do everything for it? Actually, it takes very little to keep your pet happy and healthy. And just imagine what a lot of satisfaction it will give you to have someone who depends just on you! The shine in its eyes and that happy wag of tail will make your day.

1 comment:

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