
Wednesday 8 August 2012

points to be remembered while buying a puppy..

 Buying a pup? Do a thorough research before you buy one. You should look out for the breed and the responsibilities associated with pup. Here is detailed guideline on choosing a pup and its care. Do read this article before getting yourself a pet.

Although there are many types of animals and birds that can be kept as pets, pups win paws down because of their own special brand of charm and loyalty. There are a few things which should be kept in mind before getting a pup, such as:

Do you know that there are basically seven types of dogs but thousands of mixed breeds? Some of them are large in size like the Great Dane, German Shepherd, Dalmatians, Retriever, etc. and others are smaller in size like the Pomeranian, Spitz, Apso, Terrier, Spaniel and many others. The breed you choose should first be based on the size of your house and the open space available in it. A big dog will be difficult to manage in a small house and you will be making it unhappy if you keep it cooped up, so it is better to go for a smaller dog which would be quite happy in a small house. Moreover, smaller dogs are also easier to manage. But if you intend it to be a guard dog as well and have a big house then go for the bigger breed by all means.

When you have decided which type of a dog to get, comes the exciting part of selecting a pup. When you go to choose a pup you should be careful about certain things. It is always better to go for the most active, friendly and outgoing pup. A pup that moves away from you or growls at you will be difficult to get along with. Apart from friendly behavior another thing, which is important, is to get some information about its parents' temperament too, it will be a good guide for your pet's nature too.

deally it is best to bring them home when they are between 2 months to 6-7 months old. At this time they are ready to leave their mothers and also adjust easily to new environment. Older dogs can also be brought but they take longer to adapt to a new home.

Your new friend leaves its mother and brothers and sisters so it is up to you to make up for them. Remember to get him a cozy basket stuffed with soft sheets and place it near your bed, so that it doesn't get lonely. It is a good idea to keep a wrapped up table clock near it, which will remind it of its mother's steady heartbeat, so that he feels reassured. With their high adaptability and lots of love from you it will soon mould itself to the new surroundings.

When a pup comes to your house, you will have to train it, because an untrained pet can be a real nuisance! He should have a fixed place for his meals. Very soon he'll learn to eat only there. Basic commands like 'come here', 'sit', 'go' are easy to teach and an intelligent puppy learns to obey them pretty quickly.
House-breaking is however something for which a pup should be trained from day one. A pup has to be taken out to relieve himself every hour or two, especially after meals. It soon realizes that he isn't supposed to relieve himself indoors. Once a pup is properly house broken it will itself learn to give signals, maybe a bark, or sitting near the door when it wants to be taken out. In the beginning you will need to be extra careful about these signs.

What do we prefer? Praise, certainly! It is the same with puppies. There is nothing they won't learn if you keep praising and rewarding them with their favorite tit-bits. At times when they have been naughty they have to be punished too, but you should never make it a habit to hit the pup for every little mischief he does. Otherwise it might become aggressive and stop listening to you at all. Or worse-you may succeed in breaking its spirit for good. And a spiritless dog is one of the most pathetic sights.

A tap on the back with a rolled up newspaper is all that he needs to know that you don't approve.


1. Keep your pet clean and well brushed.
2. Feed him at regular hours.
3. Take him for walks.
4. Get him innoculated by a qualified vet.
5. Give him a lot of love.


1. Disturb him during meals.
2. Tease him.
3. Keep him chained for long periods or in garages or sheds away from you   remember he too is a member of your family, perhaps the most undemanding one.

If you are prepared to do just these few things for your pet, go ahead and bask in the most selfless love a person can experience. It is not for nothing that a dog is called a man's best friend!


So, are you too planning to get a pup? Before you start pestering your parents to get you a pup, you must first be certain yourself whether you will do your share for it or not? When you get a pet, you also get the responsibility of looking after it. It isn't fair, is it, to expect your mother to do everything for it? Actually, it takes very little to keep your pet happy and healthy. And just imagine what a lot of satisfaction it will give you to have someone who depends just on you! The shine in its eyes and that happy wag of tail will make your day.

Saturday 4 August 2012


Like any other pet animal, parrots also need proper care in order to lead a healthy and happy life. Once you have selected the parrot that you want, it is necessary to have a proper cage for your new pet. Although, some people let their parrot fly freely around their house and do not keep them in a cage, however this is not the best way to keep your feathered pet...
Choose the appropriate size of the cage as cage size is important to ensure that your parrot has enough space to move around. Preferably, opt for the biggest cage you can afford because the bigger the better. Your parrot will be happier if it has enough space to move, fly, and hop around in the cage.
Following are a few minimum cage sizes for popular parrots:
Cockatiels: 22 in. height x 17 in. width, having bar spacing of 0.5 in. to 5/8 in.
Conures: 22 in. height x 22 in. width, having bar spacing of 5/8 in. to ¾ in.
Yellow Amazons (Yellow Parrot): 32 in. height x 23 in. width, having bar spacing of ¾ in. to 1 in. with bar width of 4 mm
African Grey (African Parrot): 32 in. height x 23 in. width, having bar spacing of ¾ in. to 1 in. with bar width of 4 mm.
Macaw: 36 in. height x 24 in. width, having bar spacing of 1 in. with bar width of 5 mm.
Cockatoo: 36 in. height x 24 in. width, having bar spacing of 1 in. with bar width of 5 mm.
Basically, the cage is used to protect the parrot from other animals in your home and from common obstructions, such as flying into windows, in the home that could injure him. Ensure that the cage is well-built and is strong enough to withstand the expected falls. Moreover, parrots love to perch, therefore ensure that there is at least one perch in the cage.
A well designed cage will allow your parrot to have an easy access to drink and food. When it comes to drinking and eating, the parrot food is among the most vital elements of a parrot’s health. Lack of nutritious food can make your parrot suffer as it may become grouchy and may develop behavioral problems. For instance, self-mutilation such as feather picking often develops in a malnourished African Grey parrot. Therefore, it is necessary to understand and meet your parrots’ nutritional requirements. Also, ensure to change the water daily and never let the water container empty.
In their natural environment, parrots clean themselves whenever they feel dirty, however at home you need to bathe your parrot. Fortunately, many parrots enjoy taking baths and their owners simply put them in the shower every night so that they can enjoy themselves while taking bath. But, if your parrot does not like bathing then simply spray it with warm, clean water. Warm water is ideal as parrots are vulnerable to cold too. After bath, allow your parrot dry off in a warm, comfy place.
Since, parrots love to play and socialize, therefore never forget to play with your parrot. You can even cuddle with your pet on a semi regular basis. This will make your pet feel warm, loved, and appreciated...

Friday 3 August 2012

Rats and mice in the wild can be one of the worst pests for mankind, notwithstanding their indispensable part within the ecosystem. Domestic rats and mice, on the other hand, contribute Rat sitting upa great deal to the advancement of research for the benefit of man. Domestic rats and mice are not the same as their wild counterparts, having been domesticated for over 100 years. Rats and mice AS PETS suffer from bad “press” with much prejudice and misunderstanding directed toward them.
As urban sprawl continues to limit the necessary space needed to keep dogs and cats, rats and mice as pets are gradually emerging as an ideal substitute. Easy to keep, with minimal space and care requirements, they provide all the pleasure and satisfaction of a warm, cuddly, intelligent, and friendly pet companion. They are also very inexpensive to obtain along with the required accessories needed to make them happy.
Domesticated rats make excellent pets for children and adults alike. They are highly intelligent (being the most used in studies for intelligence and psychology research), clean, and very sociable. They interact with their owners the same as dogs and cats do and may be easily trained. Although rodents are nocturnal (sleeping during the day and active at night), rats will quickly learn to adjust their schedule and be ready to come out and play when you get home from school or work. Pet rats and mice require no vaccinations and carry no diseases. The Plague of the fourteenth century Europe was caused by the flea carried by the rat and other species of animals including man. Because of the rats close proximity to man throughout history, they have been unfairly blamed for this catastrophe. They also do not make any noise nor need to be walked every day (although they love to go out with you when you visit friends!). Watching mice play can be a lot of fun. They are great stress reducers and are equivalent to having a tank of fish.
Once a person understands that rats and mice bite rarely and then out of fear and not anger, and learns how easy it is to handle and care for them, master and pet are about to begin a most delightful relationship. Occasionally a mother protecting her babies, fingers poked in through the wire, or fingers that smell like food are about the only instances when a rat may bite. Remembering these things and taking precautions such as washing your hands before reaching in for your pet and being careful around a mother rat will ensure a safe experience.
Rats and mice are rodents belonging to the gnawing family. Their teeth grow continuously throughout their life and, therefore, the animal must constantly keep them worn down by chewing on things. Because of this, rats should not be left to run loose in the house as they can chew on things such as electrical cords, furniture, bedding, etc.
There is no preference to sex in rats as to one being a better companion to you than the other. Males do get larger than the females and will tend to be lazier and more laid back when they grow up. Females will still have the playful tendencies when they Girl holding ratmature. Male rats do have a tendency to “urine mark” their territory, although many females will do the same thing. Rats will not have any odor other than a natural perfumy scent (like sandalwood) that is pleasant to smell. If your pet smells, it is an indication that the cage is not being cleaned often enough. You may give your rat an occasional bath (especially the males as some tend to get a yellow skin on the back and have more of an oily coat). Both rats and mice will wash themselves like cats do and you will see them constantly grooming themselves and each other. They’re also clean in their housekeeping, usually urinating in one corner of the cage. Female mice are preferred by many because they do not have the “musky” odor that is natural for male mice.
When choosing your pet, the most important things to look for are health and personality. Some signs that indicate ill health are sneezing, wheezing, rattling, thin condition, ruffled stand-up coat, hunched posture, listlessness, discharge from the eyes or nose, diarrhea, bloated belly (not from being pregnant), and cuts or open wounds. A healthy rat or mouse will be curious, active, have a sleek, glossy coat, and be in good body weight. Pick out an animal that is curious and inquisitive when you put your hand in the cage and seems friendly towards you. They should be calm and friendly when you pick them up. Any prospective pet should never bite. Baby rats will nibble on your fingers and this should not be confused with biting. If you find a rat that “kisses” (licks), you have found yourself a very special friend. Try to buy from a reputable pet shop or breeder that knows their animals, has healthy stock, and plays with the youngsters from birth to socialize them to people. The best age to obtain your future pet is at the age of 5–8 weeks (mice), 6–9 weeks (rats) (females older then 6 weeks may be pregnant if housed in community cages) so they grow up with you.
The average life span of rats is 2–3 years; mice 1–2 years. The average body length of adult rats is 9–11 inches; mice 3–4 inches; with an average tail length of 7–9 inches in rats and 3–4 inches in mice. The average body weight for rats is 350–450 grams for a female, 450–650 grams for a male; mice 30 grams each sex. There have been a few adult male rats that weighed 2 pounds!
Meeting the basic needs of a pet rat or mouse is neither complicated, time consuming nor expensive.
In their natural state, rats and mice are sociable members of colonies. Therefore, keeping two instead of one will meet their need to play and interact with their own kind. They should be of the same sex (except for male mice as they will fight), unless you have plenty of friends willing to adopt a continuous supply of new babies!
Rats and mice, although looking very similar except for size, cannot be housed with each other or other species of rodents. Rats can learn to get along with other family pets such as dogs and cats, but care should be given when introducing them. Don’t stress your pets by trying to get them to get along if they are Mouse licking footclearly frightened. Any time spent together should always be supervised. There are many instances where a rat and a dog or cat are the best of friends. Mice on the other hand are too easy for most cats to grab for a snack and, therefore, should not be put together.
A simple, gnaw-proof cage, terrarium, or screen-topped aquarium of sufficient size is the basic requirement. Used aquariums may be obtained at garage sales and swap meets for an inexpensive price but are breakable and can be heavy. Wire cages can be too drafty, allow the bedding to fall out, are harder to clean and disinfect, and corrode after long exposure to urine. (The powder-coated wire rat cages with shelves and a plastic bottom are easier to clean, and the rats love the levels to climb on.) If wire shelves/ramps are used in the cage for the rats to climb on, they should be made of ½ by ½ inch wire as a rat’s back foot can get caught in 1 by ½ inch wire and break a leg. Solid shelves need to be wiped down twice a day so the rats don’t get dirty or develop sores. For two small rats, use a 15–20-long gallon tank or 14x24x18 (approximate) wire cage (minimum sizes; preferably larger) for their housing. Two female mice may be housed in a 10 gallon tank, one male mouse in a 5–10 gallon tank—this will provide adequate room for a house, wheel, feed dish, and water bottle. If you have several female mice, then try to get the largest tank you can and have fun creating a playground for them. Watching them will give you hours of entertainment! The cage should be placed either on a table, dresser, or shelf (not above eye level!), away from direct sun or drafts. Extreme temperatures should be avoided.
NO cedar or pine as they contain toxins and cause organ damage and respiratory disease.Use hardwood shavings (aspen chips, flakes, shredded), paper products, pelleted beddings made from hardwood, paper, or other non-toxic substances, or any other non-toxic bedding. (See more on beddings Fill the cage with ½–1 inch of bedding at each cleaning.
A demand-type water bottle to provide clean water at all times. A dish may be used only in emergencies as your pet will immediately spill the water or push shavings in it. Holders with chew guards for the water bottle are available to hang the bottle inside an aquarium. If you use a feed dish, it should be easy to clean and sturdy to prevent tipping. Sleeping boxes can be made from a variety of non-toxic household containers (washable or disposable): butter cups, jars, oatmeal cartons, cardboard boxes, etc., or store bought houses. Nesting material will most often be used by mice. This can be shredded napkins, etc. If you have access to fresh, clean hay, your mice will love this as nesting material. You can also get LARGE PVC pipe pieces (elbows, Y’s, straight tubes) for your rats to play in. Exercise wheels provide plenty of exercise and fun. If you get a wheel for your rat, it needs to be at least 12–14 inches in diameter and a cage large enough to accommodate it (female rats should always have a wheel). Wooden gnawing blocks are great chew toys. Rawhide chew sticks or hard dog biscuits can also be used. Cooked soup bones are a favorite of rats.
Food needs to be kept available at all times. Laboratory pellets (Lab Blox, Rodent Chow, Pet Blocks, etc.) are the best basic main diet. Rat with berryYou can find them in pet shops or feed stores bagged in small quantities. There are now many places on the Internet that sell the lab-quality formulas, e.g. the Harlan Teklad 2018 formula is sold online as “Native Earth 4018.” Also, AFRMA sells lab blocks at our shows and on our online Sales Catalog. If you are unable to get lab pellets (you may have to ask the store owner or manager if they can get them if not normally stocked), then a high quality dog food (not over 8% fat content) from the pet shop/feed store such as Nutro, Science Diet, Iams, etc., fed equally with a rat/mouse grain mixture is a good substitute. Complement either diet with small amounts of salad greens (clean, freshly washed, non-contaminated or sprayed; rats love kale, and dandelion leaves can be a treat for mice), fresh fruits (rats love bananas, also avocado given in small amounts) and vegetables (raw broccoli and corn-on-the-cob are a favorite with rats) (NOTE: any fresh foods should be washed when necessary), and whole wheat bread. Be sure to clean out any uneaten fresh foods the next day. Be sparing with oily seeds, nuts, and grain mixes. Dry cat food should only be given to growing youngsters or nursing mothers because of the high fat and protein content. DO NOT give your pet treats such as candy (chocolate can’t be digested by rats), cookies, potato chips, or other junk food. Treats such as dry, healthy, low-sugar cereals (Cheerios, puffed wheat/rice/millet, spoon-size shredded wheat, etc.), plain popcorn, wild bird seed, dry oatmeal, occasional table scraps such as veggies, salad, spaghetti, etc., are okay and will be eagerly devoured by your pet. Do not feed your pet through the screen top of the cage (if the screen is large enough to do this), or if you use wire rat cages, through the bars of the cages, as they will learn that things poked in are food and grab anything poked in including your finger.
Cleanliness is the best guarantee to keep your pet in good health. Clean the feed dish daily, the water bottle at each refill. Change bedding every 3–5 days and clean and disinfect the cage and accessories once a week.
Mice on wheel
RATS: Boxes, ladders, shelves, large cardboard/PVC tubes, wooden bird toys, hammocks, wheels, etc.
MICE: Cardboard toilet paper/paper towel tubes, ladders, wheels, houses, etc.
Rats can be taught their name, to come, and other things. They have also been taught to play basketball, do “Rat Olympics,” and perform complicated mazes with many intricate maneuvers.
Allow your new pet about one week to become adjusted to his new home and family members. Hand feed your new pet as much as possible for the first few days. This means that every time you handle or approach your pet, it will have a positive reward waiting from you. Start with placing your hand inside the cage and letting your pet approach on its own, smelling and walking around. Be gentle and talk softly to it. Don’t be surprised if it doesn’t take the food right away. Sometimes you may have to leave your hand in the cage for several minutes, but eventually your pet will come to you. The next step is holding your treat just outside the cage so that your pet must reach out and get it.
To teach your rat his name, call him by name whenever you take him out to play and give a treat such as a Cheerio. Rats also respond to a razberry/kissy/tsk sound, and you may do this each time you call your pet. Hand him the Cheerio the first couple of times and after that say, “Timmy, come,” and hold the Cheerio a little bit away, increasing the distance each time and your rat will not only learn his name, but also “Come”! Remember to give a treat when he comes to you! Each time you end a training session, your rat should have gone a little farther than before. Eventually when you make your noise or call his name, your rat will try to go to you wherever you are. At this point, it is best not to reward with food every time, but trade off with lots of hugs and kisses.
Rats will soon learn to shoulder sit and make that their second home when out with you. This is useful if you plan to take your rat with you to different places. Some people also use a hip-pack to put their rat in when visiting friends. Place your rat on your shoulder for short amounts of time at first; you can try giving small treats while he is there. Sit quietly by his cage in the beginning and gradually increase the time he spends on your shoulder. After a few days you can start walking around a little with him. When he is comfortable, then you can start taking him places with you!
Rat in dishYou can also do something like this with your pet mouse, but instead of your shoulder, use a pocket!
Your rat will also housebreak himself if you don’t keep him out too long at a time. If he starts to fidget and get nervous, it’s a good indication he needs to potty. Place him back in his cage; after he relieves himself give him a treat. Many rats have been known to housebreak themselves without any training.
Mouse on branchSome rats will not eat a treat while out with you, preferring instead to eat in their cage. Don’t be offended if your rat is this way. When they feel completely safe and secure, then they will eat while out of their cage. Others will take their treat and run to their cage, drop it, and come back for more! Some are natural pack rats and will try to steal just about anything and hoard in their nest. Some people have found many unusual items stashed in their rat’s cage, or hiding place because they were allowed to run loose in the house. Remember, they should always be supervised when let out to run in the house. Not only will they find things to chew on they should not, they could get stepped on by an unsuspecting person.
They should be thoroughly socialized and trained so they won’t become frightened when let out on the floor for the first time. Sit on the floor with the rat in your lap and he will naturally want to explore the surrounding area. As he gets braver he will wander farther from you, but if something startles him, he will come running back to the safety of your lap! It is a good idea to just confine their play area to a bed, couch or chair. Mice should not be allowed on the floor as they become too easily frightened and will try to run to a safe hiding place.
Rats and mice come in a whole rainbow of colors and coat types. Many of the colors and coat types are only recent developments of fanciers around the world. There is no one color or marking that makes a better pet. However, the large show mice are naturally calmer than the small pet shop mice.
Some of the more exotic colors and markings in Rats are Siamese, Blue, Silver Black, Silver Fawn, Lilac, Cinnamon, Black-eyed White, Cinnamon Pearl, Lynx, Silver Agouti, Silver Lilac, Blue Point Siamese, Capped, Variegated, and Blaze. Rex rats have a curly coat, Tailless are born with no tails, and Hairless have no fur! Most rats that you find in the pet shops are Hooded, Self (all one solid color), and Irish/Berkshire (solid color top with white on the belly) in Agouti (brown, the color most often seen in the wild rats and mice), Fawn (looks orange with dark eyes), Beige (tan with dark eyes), Black, and Pink-eyed White (albino).
Some of the fancier colors, markings, and coat types in Mice are Fawn/Orange, Beige, Coffee (a darker version of Beige), Cream, Silver, Siamese/Himalayan, Silver Black/Silver Grey, Dutch (marked like a Dutch rabbit), Variegated (small splashes over the entire body), and Spotted Tan (sometimes confused as being Tri-color) in Satin (very shiny), Long Haired, Frizzie (curly coat), Hairless, or a combination of the above. 

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Arowana fish-Care tips:

Arowana Care Tips that will Work Perfectly for your Fish<br />Despite the fact that arowanas are among the most popular aquarium pets for several decades now, there are still owners who are unable to comprehend those important details related to proper arowana care. If you want to own an arowana, you have to make sure that you won’t belong to those owners who do not know how to provide their arowanas the best care possible. <br />Prior to purchasing your arowana, you have to learn all details about how to care for them. Their living condition should be a major factor when it comes to this. Since arowanas naturally live in a tropical environment, you have to make sure that you provide them a replica of this environment. However, the environment should be dependent on the specific breed of your chosen arowana. Because of this, you should also take an effort to learn about those breeds so you will be able to provide them the kind of habitat that they prefer through proper designing of their tank or aquarium.<br />It is also advisable that you do not put two arowanas in one tank. Even if your chosen tank is huge enough to accommodate two newly born arowanas, it is still not advisable that you put two of them there because it is proven that when arowanas grow older and become larger, their territorial instincts tend to become stronger as well. You have to avoid the possibility of making your arowana turn into an aggressive fish. You should also prevent putting water in the aquarium that has high acid or saline content. Doing this would affect the feeding habit of your arowana and would contribute to the existence of fish aquarium diseases. If you want to learn more about proper arowana care, it is highly recommended that you go for expert advices. You can get this by reading books that generally talk about arowanas. Doing this would ensure that you get highly effective advices regarding the proper care and rearing of your arowanas. <br />The Arowana fish is easy to keep, but hard to master when it comes to bringing out its best colors.

Food care:

Another important note when it comes to feeding your Arowana fish is the fact that these fishes are good jumpers. As mentioned before, they eat insects on the surface. For them to reach those meals, they snap their body out into the water to gulp in the unfortunate insect. This can also be the case in your aquariums. If you have left some insects on the surface of the water and the tank is not secured tightly, your Arowana can easily knock off the lid, or the whole aquarium. This is the primary reason why veterinarians suggest Arowana enthusiasts to keep their pet's tank closed all the time to prevent a breaking the whole aquarium with the fish in it.
These types of fish, especially the Jardini Arowana, are good hunters. They would rather choose to hunt for their own food rather than accepting spoon fed options. In considering this notion, you can increase the appetite of your pet by bringing him moving targets. Smaller fish may also be a good option, like small goldfish or the usual guppies. The key is to make their mealtimes a bit challenging.


Causes of disease can be shared into two categories namely non-parasitic and parasitic organisms.

Parasitic organisms are originally comes from: viruses, bacteria, fungi, worms or protozoa; whereas non-parasitic medium such as: environmental factors, diet and heredity. But in reality, both of them are difficult to distinguish.

There are many characteristics of Arowana fish attacked by kinds of diseases, either due to parasitic or non-parasitic. It would be seen passive, weak, tending to swim in the water surface, decreased appetite, hard to breath, fish's body that was not slippery. Because of reduced mucous membranes so that fish is easily caught. Other signs, such as: bleeding in the chest , broken scales and cracked dorsal fins.

Environmental factors that cause illnesses are: water pH. Fluctuations of water pH are affected by various things such as: the presence of CO2. Besides that, sudden changes of water temperature also greatly affect Arowana's health.

Decreased oxygen level occurring in the water and the presence of toxic gases, such as: CO2, ammonia and water pollution, will harm Arowana's health. Food factors, such as: feeding fresh fishes, will be a risk factor because they can be a carrier of disease.

Hereditary factors also lead to make health trouble at the Arowana, like as: unwell fish scales, didn't have straight back, albino and conjoined twins.

The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960(59 of 1960)
As amended by Central Act 26 of 1982.
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Tuesday 31 July 2012

Funny but usefull!!!!!

We should try to understand our dogs as only we, the owners, can understand and recognize any symptoms that tell us that our dog is not well. But this video will guide you through....


  • A sick bird would look tired, droopy with ruffled features and would always have the tendency to hide its head under its wings.
  • Frequently you would be finding your bird to be sneezing and also with the presence of discharge along its nostrils.
  • An ill bird would also have its droppings stuck to the feather of the tail.
  • A bird suffering from a terrible breathing disorder would show up symptoms like making a clicking sound while breathing or the tail often moving up and down.
A healthy bird would always seem to be energetic and with intermittent eating sessions. With respect to their physical appearance you will find that the bird possesses shiny feathers, bright eyes and highly energetic in nature. In order to insure a healthy bird you are recommended to purchase it from a reputed pet shop where you will get medical insurance facilities for pets. The following are some bird care tips that would help you to keep your pet bird healthy and active.
Bird Shelter, Food, Accessories and Health Tips

General Bird Care Tips
  • Like dogs and cats birds also require affection and companionship from its caregiver. So, you should devote a considerable time for your little pet or else, you would find drastic behavioral changes if abandoned by you for long hours.
  • Always try to keep the cage of the bird clean. Whenever the bird tosses or turns up its bowl of seeds or makes a mess with its droppings, make sure of cleaning the place as soon as possible. You should in fact are expected to clean the cage on a regular basis.
  • Birds need sun’s ultra violet rays as the rays on getting inside the skin help in absorption of calcium from the food they eat. Calcium makes the muscles of the bird well toned and also makes the bones of the bird very strong and tough.Caged birds are often denied of sunlight as most of the time they remain indoors. To ensure optimal exposure to sun rays you are recommended to keep the cage near a window through which UV rays are coming in or place the cage outside on a sunny day. You may also cover a part of the cage with a cloth so that if the bird feels to cool itself it can get under the cloth.
  • The cage should be washed with disinfectants regularly. Even the left over food of the bird should be discarded in every morning. In case the perch of the bird is of wood clean it with sand paper. Cover the bottom part of the cage with a news paper so that you can remove it every day and replace it with a fresh new one.
  • The diet of the bird should also contain proper amounts of vitamins and minerals. You may give food items that are rich in vitamin A like sweet potato, squash, carrot, spinach, corn and such. Nuts can turn out be a food variation for your bird.
Grooming is one of the important bird care tips. Pet birds must be bathed and cleaned at regular intervals. Grooming activities like feather preening and feather molting are quite useful in making your bird look attractive and healthy.

Facts about Rabbits: 

  • A male rabbit is called a buck and a female rabbit is called a doe.
  • A rabbit can see behind himself, without turning his head, but has a blind spot in front of his face.
  • A rabbit sweats through the pads on its feet.
  • Domestic rabbits cannot breed with wild rabbits.
  • Rabbits are the most active at dawn and dusk.
  • Rabbits can jump to a height of more than 36 inches.
  • Rabbits can purr, just like a cat.
  • Rabbits cannot vomit.
  • Rabbits do not like loud noises and sudden movements.
  • Rabbits eat their own night droppings, known as cecotropes.
  • Rabbits need to eat hay, in order to assist their digestive system and prevent fur balls in their stomach.
  • The droppings of a rabbit make an excellent garden fertilizer.
  • The largest litter of baby rabbits was 24 and it has been witnessed twice.
  • The record for the longest living rabbit is that of 19 years, while that of heaviest rabbit is 26 lbs.
  • The teeth of a rabbit never stop growing.
  • There are over 150 different colors of a rabbit’s coat, but only 5 eye colors (brown, blue-grey, blue, marbled, and pink).
  • There are over 50 established breeds of domestic rabbit.
  • When rabbits are happy, they jump and twist.

Number of Teeth: 28, with 6 incisors (4 on top and 2 on bottom)Smallest Species: Pygmy RabbitColors: Shades of brown, gray and buffDiet: Grass, forbs and leafy weedsNatural Habitat: Throughout the worldAge: 4 to 20 yearsAge of Maturity: 3-4 monthsGestation Period: 28 to 31 daysNumber of Offspring: Up to 7

Hi all, These kittens are 2 1/2 months old,healthy,litter-trained,vaccinated and looking for forever cat-food giving homes only.The white-pawed kitten is male while the full-black is female. In many communities black cats are considered bad luck but, these little babies can only give un-conditional love and love. Please share far and wide and help these kittens find loving forever homes. To adopt these kittens call 9841236008/9176927917.

Monday 30 July 2012

Techniques and measures to take if you want the best quality out of your flowerhorn fish 

Basic Environmental Control

Water Temperature

The Flowerhorn fish is able to thrive best in water of tropical temperatures, ranging from 24 to 30 degrees Celsius. The optimum temperature would be between 26 and 28 degrees Celsius. It is advised that you maintain the optimum water temperature when keeping a baby or premature fry.

pH Levels
Flowerhorn fish can survive in water with a neutral pH value of 6-8. Similarly, it is advised that the pH is maintained at 6.5-7.2 when keeping premature fish. Changing the water of the tank regularly once a week is a good way to maintain pH stabitlity. If you are unwilling to change the water so often, you can also mix some crushed coral with the gravel. This will help to prevent any drastic fluctuations in pH levels, which will be detrimental to the fish. If you have the right apparatus, it would also help to check the pH of the water regularly.

Change of Water
Overly clear or clean water is also not necessarily the best for the fish, as it is of course difficult to maintain, and more importantly clear water from the tab is treated with chlorine and other minerals which are not too good for the fish. It is therefore advised that when changing the water, it is better not to change all the water, but leave a little bit of "dirty" water in the tank. Changing all the water at once will also cause too drastic a change in the fish's environment, giving stress to the fish to adapt to a new environment all over again. It would also be difficult as changing all the water in the tank would involve getting the Flowerhorn out of water, and being the aggressive and active fish that it is, it would be difficult to simply hold it on a small net for a while. It would probably jump out, or even attack the owner.

Cleaning and Filtration Systems
It is essential to have an efficient filtration system when keeping any fish in a fish tank, or the fish's waste or the fish food will contaminate the water, causing it to be very murky and dirty. The filter should be cleaned regularly. Some people keep sucker fish in the tanktogether with the other fish because the sucker fish is known to be able to feed on the fish's waste and algae, serving as a good cleaning agent. This is not applicable however when keeping a territorial and aggressive Flowerhorn Fish, as the sucker would probably end up being killed, or even eaten as it is a relatively small fish. It is therefore inevitable that you have to spend time brushing and cleaning the tank frequently if you wish to keep a Flowerhorn. Filtration systems are in no way functional as a substitute for water changing, as too much waste will eventually clog up the filters, and not all waste particles can actually be filtered. They are also unable to filter up the waste and algae that sticks to the sides of the tank, so it is very important that the water is changed and the sides of the tank are cleaned and brushed regularly.

Oxygen Pumps and Water Flow
Oxygen pumps are also essential to the well-being of any fish kept in a tank, as this will replenish the dissolved oxygen in the water. The pumping of air into the water will also cause mild currents and keep the water flowing, preventing uneven distribution of water temperature oxygen concentration. Water must also be flowing in order for the filtration systems to work.

Salt and its Benefits

Salt is good as a stabilizer of sorts. It helps maintain water conditions and keep the fish healthy by acting as a disinfectant and killing some parasites in the water. Also, although the Flowerhorn is a freshwater fish, even freshwater ponds and rivers have a certain concentration of salt, thus adding a little bit of salt in the water also helps to make the fish feel "at home". A "little bit" would mean one or two teaspoons, too much salt will also kill the fish!
Background Pictures or Fake Plants in the Water

This will also help to make the Flowerhorn feel that the environment in the tank is more similar to its natural habitat. Contrary to belief, fake rather than real plants are better for the fish because real plants are hard to maintain without extreme care, and should the plants end up dying, they will contaminate the water. Some people think that plants will actually help to convert carbon dioxide in the water to oxygen. Although the plants may seem helpful in this sense, you need a lot of plants to produce enough oxygen to replace an air pump, and as mentioned above, air pumps are more useful in creating mild water currents. Fake plants and background pictures will also help to decorate the tank and complement the appearance of the fish.


How often the fish should be fed 
The Flowerhorn fish has a voracious appetite. There are no so called "optimum" times when it should be fed, but it is advisable to feed the fish in small amounts spread over a period of time every day.

Live Feed

The Flowerhorn is more carnivorous in nature and prefers meat or live feed. This includes small fish and shrimps. Blood worms and mealworms are exceptionally popular feed sold in Singaporean aquarium shops. Some of these insects are even enhanced with chemicals like colour enhancers to increase their size and nutritional value. Some of them are said to be able to brighten the colours of the fish, increase the size of its nuchal hump etc. It can feed on either fish feed or live feed.

Processed Fish Food

Processed pellet feed that is high in protein is recommended to be used together with other live feed, as they also contain colour enhances and other chemicals that are meant to be perfect for tank fish. It is not advisable to replace live feed with such foods however, as overdose of the different chemicals in the food will be harmful to the fish. A balance between natural live feed and fish food should be maintained.

Other Tips and Techniques

Keeping Multiple Fish

The Flowerhorn fish is aggressive and territorial in nature, and it is not advisable to keep another fish with it. If you wish to keep two fish in the same tank however, it is a must to partition the tank to prevent the fish from fighting or killing each other. This technique is useful should you intend to breed some baby Flowerhorn. Keeping a male and female Flowerhorn in the same tank separated only by a transparent plastic partition will allow the two fish to be more accustomed with each other, before removing the partition for more intimate contact.


Flowerhorns show their best colours when agitated. When the Flowerhorn sees its reflection in a mirror, it will also be agitated and look its best. Putting mirrors and colourful images in the tank is actually a technique used by competition breeders so that they get the best quality from their fish and increase their chances of winning a competition.

In this article we will see some ideas which will help to know more about lovebirds...
Breeding Management
Before we thing about breeding of lovebirds the first things you have to do is to make sure we have a male and a female Lovebird. A pair of same sex will bond and act the same as a true pair that consists of a male and a female.
Sex determination in Lovebird is difficult. At maturity ( Around one year), it may show behaviors  of whether it is male or female, it includes ripping up paper and stuffing it into her feathers (female behavior) or regurgitating for its owners (male behavior: the male feeds the nesting female). This behavior is not a reliable indicator.  A hen is usually a little broader and often perches with her legs a little further apart than a cock does. Her pelvic bones can be a little further apart and you may be able to feel the difference by gently feeling with your little finger. The only sure method is DNA testing but it is costly.
Nesting and Nest Box
Nesting behavior is mainly in female birds and the female will carry nesting material into the nest in various ways. Once the lovebirds start constructing their nest, mating will follow. During this time, the lovebirds will mate repeatedly. Eggs follow 3–5 days later. The female will spend hours inside her nesting box before eggs are laid. Once the first egg is laid, a new egg will follow every other day until the clutch is complete, typically at four to six eggs. Without a nest, lovebirds will not produce eggs.
The warmer months of the year is best to breeding in lovebirds. If we do not want to breed, the best way to avoid the breeding is supply of boxes containing a layer of peat only and not additional nesting materials. 
Many Varieties of nest boxes are suitable for lovebirds, ranging from hollowed outgo logs to square timber fashioned out of unplanned timber. A good average size nest box for lovebirds is a box with a dimension of 25 cm height, 20 cm width and 15 cm depth. The box should be constructed out of timber at least 2 cm thick to stand up to the whittling activities of the birds and to retain thermal temperature.
The entrance opening is about 5 cm in diameter, is made near the top of the box and a small perch about 7 cm long should be placed just below this. Lovebirds require a high humidity in the nest during incubation. Preferred nesting materials include the bark of trees and pieces of straw. Non poisonous tree branches should be placed near the nest box such .as branches from fruit trees. The birds will soon busy themselves stripping the plant material and tucking it under their wings and taking it to the nest. Additional material should be made available throughout nesting period as the hen will replenish the nest at regular intervals and the added material will help maintain humidity and temperature. Do make sure not to give any poisonous or chemically treated (insecticides / fertilizer) plant material to your birds for nesting.
Feeding During Breeding Season
In this time adult birds have to be fed a good diet consisting of a seed/ pellet base along with fruits and vegetables. Sprouted seeds contain much more nutrition than dry seeds and you may wish to add some of those to their diet. Hard boiled eggs that are mashed up with the eggs shells provide good nutrition. 
Egg Laying and Incubation
The female will not start to incubate in earnest until the second or third egg is laid. The hen does all of the incubating but the cock will feed the hen during the day and roost with her at night. The incubation period is about 23 ± 2 days in which time you should not disturb unless it is an emergency. As soon as you think the eggs are hatched, you can have a look at the chicks by opening the hinged door or whatever door you have, limit these inspections to the minimum and preferably, do it when the hen is absent
Both male and female will feed the chicks which will grow rapidly. Extra food should be made available with a good supply of soaked seed and green food. Some chicks will be ready to leave the nest in six weeks although the majority takes about seven or eight weeks to fledge. 
Caring of Chicks
If we plan on hand feeding these chicks, the time to take them from the parents is approximately 2 weeks of age. This is the time that they will accept food willingly yet they have had time with their parents to give them a good start.
 Never handfed a bird, you should not start without watching and learning from an experienced breeder. It is much too easy for an inexperienced hand feeder to make a mistake that could cause the death of a tiny baby.
Most breeders will allow the hen to feed the babies from hatching to the age of 2 or 3 weeks. From there, they will pull the babies out of the nest and place them in a brooder for hand feeding. Most Lovebirds need to be handfed until they are between 6 and 8 weeks old, when you can begin to wean them onto millet, soft pellets, and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Adopt an Indian dog from the "Blue Cross" shelter and get everything you're looking for, all in one dog. The intelligence of a Poodle and the loyalty of a Collie. The bark of a Shepherd and the heart of a Saint Bernard, the spots of a Dalmatian, size of a Schnauzer and the speed of a Greyhound. A genuine All Indian has it all. And the  shelter has lots of All Indian dogs waiting for you. There are genuine, All Indian cats too.
Get the best of everything. Adopt an Indian dog
(72, Velachery Main Rd, Ch -32)

Got Rs 10?

Do you want to make a difference to the world everyday? It doesn’t take muchandcan beincredibly rewarding.Did you know, for instance,that Rs 10 is what it costs us per day to feed a puppy at Blue Cross? A contribution of Rs 10 per day (works out to roughly Rs 300 a month) is easy on your wallet and assures you that you have fed a baby animal for an entire month!Residents at our Velacheryshelter have been rescued from dire situations. Some are abandoned as puppies, many have beenrun over by callous hit-and-rundrivers and hundreds more are brought in by our ambulance in response to distress calls fromcompassionate people who notice sick or injured homeless animals. All they want is a safe place and food to eat while they recuperate and look for a second chance at happiness: adoption by a loving family.

By making small, regular contributions, you can make a tangible, positive impact on their lives. Choose from our many options below (or make a general donation that go towards a multitude of other expenses that include medical care and shelter costs) and be guaranteed that your money goes directly to the animals: we don’t spend on marketing and we don’t have administrative expenses either. Except for hands-on staff, Blue Cross is run with the help of unpaid volunteers who spread the message of animal welfare on an honorary basis.
Feeding a kitten or puppy per month – Rs 300
Caring for a handicapped dog for a month – Rs 300

Caring for a bird per month- Rs 150

Fuel costs (approx)for one rescue- Rs 100

Vaccination against distemper- Rs 200 per vaccination

ANIMAL BIRTH CONTROL (one time expenditure per animal)

ABC for male dog: Rs.500

ABC for female dog:Rs.600

ABC for male cat: Rs.400

ABC for female cat: Rs.450

Since all the services provided by BCI- rescues, medical care, food and shelter- are provided free of cost to homeless animals, our only source of income is donations from the public. Will you be a hero for one of our animals today? Join us in making the world a kinder place to live in, one animal at a time. Email info [@] bluecrossofindia [.] org for details.

Blue Cross of India

This Labrador puppy was abandoned after being found to have hip dysplasia. He is 2.5 months old and is looking for a home with a family that lives on the ground floor as he can walk and run but not climb stairs. To adopt him, call 9841222223. This adoption is NOT open to breeders and this will be a free of cost adoption for a family that will keep him as a pet.